
do the storyboard, we thought and chose one learning outcome, which was chosen from our common CLIL e-Project and this objective is:
“To learn about the physical and
political features and some of the most distinguishing representations of the
European countries”

there are some things that could be improved in this app, for example the work that
you are creating, is not automatically saved and therefore, you have to be
saving it all the time. Another important thing, is that you need to pay if you
want to include or upload images and that option would be good, if it were free.
short, this app is good so that children can create stories about a specific
topic of one subject, learning that topic and putting in practice the ICT
skills or as a simple support, so that children understand abstract concepts or
routines in kindergarten or first grade of Primary. And this tool is wonderful
to practice the communication with children with special needs like autistic
children, who need to learn everything with many visual resources or
And now, we are also going to see the final result of the InfoEdugraphic that we have created and it appears in the storyboard template. We have used the web tool “Piktochart” to create a poster about an European country, although children could use a video to present the country, as it appears in the InfoEdugraphic. In this example, you will learn the most important things about Norway. You can´t miss it!!!!!!!!
And now, we are also going to see the final result of the InfoEdugraphic that we have created and it appears in the storyboard template. We have used the web tool “Piktochart” to create a poster about an European country, although children could use a video to present the country, as it appears in the InfoEdugraphic. In this example, you will learn the most important things about Norway. You can´t miss it!!!!!!!!
And finally, we presented our video challenge about the storyboard template that we created with "Picktochart". We have created our video with the app "IMovie" with the support of an Ipad. This app is intuitive and fast to work. It allows you to introduce any music that you want, adding different videos to create a film or a trailer and pictures, cropping videos, etc. The only bad thing that we found, is that we can´t make the title of our video bigger.
In the video we have schemed the steps that our students have to follow in order to achieve one of the activities of our CLIL eproject.
Here you can watch our video, we hope that you will like it.
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