everyone again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my group, I have felt very comfortable and I think that my peers worked very well
and we have been a support to each other to complete the missions and as teachers
we have to know how to work with other people and this was one of those moments to
do it.
on our CLIL e-Projects prototypes, we were classified in different groups, as I
said. And we are the group about Geography, because in our CLIL e-Projects all members
of my group had similar topics about this subject. My group is made up by Ana, Elena,
Inma, Lola and Natalia. Although our topics were not totally equal, we could mix
them in our common project. To do it, we created different learning outcomes,
which are:
- To identify the location of the European continent in a map.
- To learn the name of some European countries, their capitals and location in a map.
- To get in touch with the most distinguishing physical features (climates and animals) of these countries.
- To learn the name and location of the most important mountain ranges and rivers in Europe.
- To learn about different European cultures and their most distinguishing representations (costumes, flags, language, currency, food…).
that, we started to think about how we could create the InfoEdugraphic, which are
visual representations of data, knowledge and information about a specific
next phase was to think what the purpose of our InfoEdugraphic was and for it,
we thought and thought until we had an excellent idea, which was the carrying
out of the activity, with which our students could achieve the learning outcomes that
we proposed in the beginning. The activity allowed us work with children in a fun way the European Geography and that activity is called “The Olympic Games in Europe”.
we decided to create our InfoEdugraphic to show the final activity of our
project. To carry out the design of our InfoEdugraphic, we chose the tool
called Piktochart. I had heard about this program before because in the CLIL
e-Project that I evaluated and that you can see in this blog, this tool was
used and I love it because you can create many different things with this web tool.
Piktochart is a marvelous tool to create attractive infographics, posters or
presentations and it has many different features, such as templates,
backgrounds, graphics, etc to create your project. Moreover, you can download it
in different formats or share it if you prefer.

on guys!!!!!!!!!! You can use this tool to teach your students and explain different concepts in a different way that I know that children will enjoy.
the app and you will see good results because this tool could be a fantastic
resource and support to create beautiful InfoEdugraphics that they allow you to
organize information and concepts in a distinct way. And, it is also important
that you remember that this tool is easy to use. For this reason, both
teachers and children can use it to learn much better different knowledge
through the use of ICT.
Next, you will see our InfoEdugraphic here. I can say in the name of my work team
that we hope you will like it. Enjoy it!
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